&Audition - The Howling 1.Sezon 2.Bölüm izle, The boys must collect &BALLs and fill up the &RING in order to reach the final round. If they fail, the four members of the debut group and the 11 trainees will lose their chance to debut!The audition process is announced at the same time as the mission.Will the 15 boys be able to fill up the &RING and advance to the final round?The second mission is the concept mission!The songs for the mission are revealed, and the four teams throw themselves into practice. EJ’s team is the first to perform, but they had received a disappointing result in their performance and vocal evaluation during the interim check.EJ feels that he lacks leadership skills, but instead of feeling down, he plans a surprise event for his teammates to boost their morale.Will EJ’s team be able to pull off a successful performance?
&Audition – The Howling 1.Sezon 2.Bölüm
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&Audition – The Howling
&Audition – The Howling
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22 Şubat 2023
22 Şubat 2023